Sunday 15 January 2017

How Can the Raw Food Diet Weight Loss Plan Help Me?

There are so many diet plans available, it is often difficult to choose which ones can benefit you the most and which can have the most effective results. It isn't just about the initial weight loss either - we all want to be able to find a diet plan that will help us sustain that weight loss as well. So what can the raw food diet weight loss plan really do for you? And is it as easy to sustain as you might think?
What is the Raw Food Diet?
This diet is pretty self-explanatory - throughout the diet plan you are encouraged to eat plenty of raw foods. These can include a diet of raw fish, fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy (or soya) products or a combination of these.
The raw diet is about producing more enzymes in your diet which can help you speed up your metabolic rate, improve digestion and aid weight loss. These enzymes have a range of health benefits but they can be destroyed when they are cooked at more than 116 degrees Fahrenheit. As such, this particular diet has been developed to make sure that you can benefit from the often neglected enzymes.
Advantages of the Raw Food Diet
Long-Term Sustainable Weight Loss - Once your body has adjusted to eating only raw products, you can truly begin to see the benefits and also realize how easy the weight loss plan is. You don't need to worry about finding a microwave or oven at lunch and dinners. This diet food can be quick and easy to serve which makes it an easy option for long-term healthy eating.
More Energy - People that have tried the raw food diet have said that they have much more energy than they had when eating cooked foods.
Improved Digestion - The enzymes and antioxidants in raw foods are the reason that you can feel so much better in terms of digestive health. The vitamins and minerals found in raw foods can help flush out your system so that you can lose weight easily and also reduce any feeling of bloating.
Better Skin - Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants in raw fruits and veggies, you can detox your system and benefit from a much better complexion.
Healthier Heart - With lower cholesterol levels due to lack of fried foods or oily ingredients, this diet can be great for your heart's health.
Tasty - One of the best advantages of taking on the raw food diet weight loss plan is the great recipes that you can create - and it just goes to show you don't need cooked foods to make up a yummy meal. These can include fruit dishes, salads, dips, cookies, desserts, sauces, breakfasts and dressings!

Can a Healthy Diet Boost Your Metabolism

Has your midsection grown over the years? Do you have higher-than-normal levels of blood glucose and triglycerides? Is your blood pressure high? Is your HDL (the "good" cholesterol) low? According to the National Institutes of Health, answering yes to all or most of these questions may signify metabolic syndrome. As of 2007, nearly 47 million Americans were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. If you're one of them, then that means you are at an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Overweight and obese individuals are particularly at risk for metabolic syndrome.
But metabolic syndrome isn't only thing that can have you wishing for a metabolism boost. Aging often brings about a progressively sluggish metabolism. Beginning roughly at age 25, the average person experiences their first metabolism slowdown, usually by 5 to 10 percent. This metabolism drop continues each decade thereafter. A person living in the United States can expect to see a whopping 20 and 40 percent decrease in their metabolic rate during adulthood.
The good news is that, by making simple healthy lifestyle changes, you do not have to become a part of these statistics. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do wonders in the treatment of metabolic syndrome and in the prevention of weight gain as we age. In particular, there are healthy foods you can eat that will stimulate metabolism and promote weight loss.
Which foods boost metabolism? Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, eggs, and fish are all good examples of foods that help speed up a sluggish metabolism. The key to boosting your metabolism is to eat a variety of unprocessed foods. Unprocessed foods are often higher in fiber than processed foods. Your body will try hard, unsuccessfully, to digest the fiber. All this extra work your body does equates to a nice metabolism boost.
Increasing fiber intake is only one of the ways good nutrition can boost your metabolism. Eating foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, is an excellent way to speed up your metabolism. Research has shown that fish oils can increase a person's metabolism by up to an amazing 400 calories a day.
Omega-3 fatty acids can be taken via pill form, but often leave a fishy aftertaste and the smell can seep out of your skin pores. A better way to obtain these important omega-3s is by eating a healthy fish dinner several times a week. You'll be able to add your favorite seasonings and will also get a healthy dose of protein, which also helps to boost metabolism by increasing the thermal effect of food.
So, do yourself a favor and stay away from frozen dinners and other packaged foods at the supermarket. Drive past those fast food restaurants and their artery-clogging meals. Instead, do what healthy people have done for generations-open up a recipe book and cook your own meals.
The great thing about having a recipe book handy in your kitchen is the control it brings. You have the power to prepare the healthiest meals possible. You can use ingredients that will boost your metabolism. You control the cost of your meals. A healthy recipe book is the best investment you can make when looking to lose excess pounds or maintain your current weight.

Healthy Recipes For Foods That Increase Metabolism

Wouldn't it be great if there were foods that increase metabolism naturally, so you could eat what you like and still lose weight? It turns out there are plenty of delicious metabolism boosting foods that do just that.
Metabolizing refers to the chemical process of how effectively your body burns calories. If everything is working in balance your body operates at a rate high enough to keep your weight at a healthy level. Many factors can influence your metabolism, though, including genetics, age, diet, exercise, and even your mood or stress level. Increasing your metabolism naturally stimulates weight loss so you can achieve a healthy weight more easily.
Here are several ideas for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner that all promote higher metabolism and natural weight loss.
Enjoy a nutrient rich breakfast that boosts metabolism, including whole grain cereal with milk, oatmeal with blueberries, or soft boiled eggs with grapefruit.
For a power packed lunch start with a bed of spinach or romaine lettuce. Add flaked salmon or tuna, mixed with celery, jalapeno peppers and olive oil. Top with cherry tomatoes, sprouts and a squirt of lemon juice.
High protein snacks such as peanut butter with celery, yogurt with berries, or almonds are all great metabolism boosting foods.
There are so many protein choices of foods that increase metabolism you will always have great options for dinner.
Chicken and Peppers
Chop some garlic and slice some bell peppers. Saute in olive oil briefly, then add boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
Steak and Beans
Broil your favorite type of steak and serve with green beans.
Roast Pork With Vegetables
On the weekend or when you have a bit more time, cook a pork roast in the oven and serve with steamed carrots and cabbage.
Ground Turkey Tacos
Brown ground turkey, add finely chopped cayenne or jalapeno peppers and garlic. Saute briefly. Serve with tomatoes and lettuce. Instead of taco shells or tortillas, serve on a bed of spinach as a taco salad.
Grilled Salmon With Asparagus
Coat a piece of salmon with olive oil and lemon juice. Cook the salmon and asparagus on the grill. Serve with a side salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, celery (and jalapeno peppers, if you like). With fresh, crisp vegetables no dressing is needed. If you like, though, just use a tiny bit of olive oil with lemon juice and crushed garlic.
All of the ingredients listed in these recipes are foods that increase metabolism. Add them to your menus regularly for a natural weight loss booster.

How To Develop Your Own Juicing For Weight Loss Recipes

Are you interested in weight loss? A lot of people are and are seeking ways to maximize their efforts. This is an area where juicing can help. While there are specific juicing for weight loss recipes you will find that juicing of itself will help you. First, you might consider a meal replacement. The high nutrition and low calorie content of juice will give you the energy you need from your meal while not adding calories to your diet. The second part is the metabolism boost you will gain from juice.
Juice will tune up your body from the inside out as high quality nutrients are unleashed. In some cases you will be accessing nutrients that you haven't gotten from the same foods before. This is because while you may eat the same foods they are often cooked and that destroys enzymes and vitamins that you will get with the same food juiced. The other thing is in juicing you put the peel, seeds, and all of the food into the juicer. Often the peel contains a lot of nutrients and this is lost when the food is prepared.
These nutrients are released quickly into your blood stream and your body does not need to waste a lot of energy digesting the foods. Instead the nutrition passes across your intestines and directly into the blood stream. Juicing sets free all of the nutrition that you have been losing in traditional food preparation.
Often when people begin juicing they begin to see a lot of nagging health problems begin to clear up as the extra nutrition begins to work in their bodies. You will also find yourself introducing vegetables that perhaps you don't care for into your juice. You see in juicing you find out what the vegetables offer and you combine them with a good tasting base of perhaps apple juice and carrot juice. You will find this is a good way to add more green vegetables into your diet. Just add this juice to your base of apple and carrot juice and all of these foods can become palatable. Just be sure not to overpower the taste by adding too much of these foods, instead, experiment and gradually bring up the amount of this extra juice.

Easy Weight Loss Recipes to Cook at Home

Fad diets are hot these days because more people are becoming overweight due to the so called healthy but lazy lifestyle. If you notice there are already many websites that cater for overweight people about losing weight through different diet programs and weight loss exercise programs. However, out of these programs only a handful could possibly be effective because as we know every individual is different in their physical and physiological aspect.
There are those who love to eat but have a rapid metabolism and they do not get overweight, while some small eaters with slow metabolisms have the opposite effect. Our body's metabolism react based on our genes, gender and lifestyle and so the food we eat dictates how we will be going to gain or maintain body weight. Today there are many online free weight loss recipes that can suit every person because of the wide array of food selection available in our supermarkets.
So here are a couple of weight loss recipes that can surely keep your hunger at bay and will not increase those unwanted pounds.
The chicken broccoli casserole
1 ½ teaspoons curry powder
½ cup chicken stock
1 pound chicken meat (boiled)
8 broccoli flowerets
½ ounces cheddar cheese
½ cup sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons French fried onions
3 tablespoons bacon bits
Boil and de-bone the chicken for its meat. Boil also the broccoli and drain the water. Mix the sour cream, mayonnaise and curry powder. Arrange the chicken meat along with the broccoli on the bottom of the casserole and pour the mixture on top of it. On top, lay the cheddar cheese along with the bacon and onions. Bake for 25 minutes with 350 degrees then cool the baked food for about five minutes before serving.
The Stir Ground Beef
½ teaspoon salt
½ pepper
1 pound ground beef - lean
2 cups zucchini slices
½ cup chopped onion
1 cup diced tomato (diced large)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
½ cup water
½ teaspoon ground ginger
1 packet sweetener
Mix the soya sauce along with the ground beef, onion and salt. Slice the peeled zucchini. Slice or dice the tomatoes according to your preferred size. Heat the oil on high temperature and put the ground beef mixture and stir fry for around 8 minutes or until it is brown, put the zucchini and water and mix it well. Cover and cook for around 5 minutes while stirring occasionally. After 5 minutes you can now add tomatoes and the sweetener and cook again for 3 minutes until the tomatoes start to go limp.
These two recipes are only few among the free weight loss recipes commonly found on magazines and the internet and people who do not want to get the extras always find them engaging to the appetite. However, you may surely want to experiment for lower calorie food but before doing that make sure that the foods you prepare have the right calorific amount and the right size for every ingredient so that the food you prepare can only provide you enough energy for your diet and not add you the extra pounds.

Secret To A Faster Metabolism Today?

I'm going to share with you a simple trick that will boost your metabolism significantly and help you to shed pounds of weight and you can start today that I learned from the Metabolic Cooking - Fat Loss Cookbook.
So What Is This Secret?
Well I've got two for you today but actually they aren't so secret; in fact, they're blatantly obvious. But often it's the MOST obvious things which we don't try out or that we look past.
I'll start by talking about the current way most "normal" people eat food. generally 3 meals, not counting the snacks they sneak in between the meals because they get too hungry to wait. By the time most people get to their daily meals you often hear them say "I'm starving" or "I can't wait for breakfast/lunch/dinner".
Now what is wrong with this picture?
What's wrong here is that most people are, on a subtle level, depriving their body of food and then gorging on food through out the day. You are going through miniature fasts, which make your body crave food and when your cravings come in you will go straight for all the worst foods for you to try and feed the craving. Once dinner time arrives you will likely overeat. This whole style of eating treats food more as something to stop craving than a fuel. Here's the mindset shift that we need:
*Food as fuel rather than as something to satisfy our cravings.
Food is fuel, there is no escaping this fact. We need it to function. But so often we abuse food and treat it as a drug. Not that you can't eat what you enjoy eating, but if you are eating food because you are craving it rather than your hungry and would like to enjoy some food then you have created an addiction of sorts. I can remember not eating for hours and getting so hungry that my cravings would kick in and I'd order a whole pizza for myself.
How can we combat this way of eating?
So here's the secret, breaking up your meals into 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day will cut down your craving significantly and give you much more energy. this is treating food as fuel. Eating a meal that is roughly the size of your fist 5 to 6 times per day will significantly speed up your metabolism, make you look and feel healthier, and diminish cravings and boost your energy.This is the scientifically proven way to speed up metabolism and it's pretty common sense if you think about it. You are not overeating and you are giving your body more fuel and more energy so it can burn fat faster. You will also start to digest food faster and this will speed up your metabolism also.
My second secret is this, never wait until you are very hungry, and especially starving, to eat a meal. when we are really hungry our cravings kick in and we make what are known as emotional eating decisions. this means we eat what we crave because we want to satisfy these cravings. Do we even feel good after eating like this? No not really, maybe you can recall a time when you rally desired a food and afterward you just felt sick thought you could never touch that food again. That is until tomorrow when the craving will return. So this is very important, if you imagine a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being starving and 1 being quite full, you should aim to eat when your at around 6. this will help you to eat the right foods and stay on course with your diet.

Get Your Metabolism Cooking With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer and it can help to reduce dry and cracked skin. As a component of a healthy diet, this unique oil is still considered somewhat outlandish by many westerners. The benefits of adding it to your diet are numerous and potentially life changing. Parts of the world, such as the South Pacific have used coconut as a staple of their diets for many years. In the Tokelauan population, there is no indication of heart disease in spite of steady consumption of the saturated fats in coconuts.
What makes coconut oil unique is its combination of fatty acids rich in medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that are easily absorbed in your body and perform a variety of essential functions. Chief among these is lauric acid, which is also produced in mother's milk. The oil also includes polyunsaturated fat in the form of lineloic acid and polyunsaturated fats as oleic acid. In addition, coconut oil supplies vitamin E, providing a natural lubricant and protectant for the skin. Also present is vitamin K, essential for blood clotting, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
One of the key benefits of coconut oil relates to the ability of the body to absorb MCTs easily. This process can speed the expenditure of energy, which boosts the metabolism. The result is you burn more fat as you consume coconut oil. The effect of this appears more pronounced on the more dangerous fat in your abdomen and clumped around organs. Remarkably, good results in loss of this fat occurred without adding any new exercise regimens to test subjects. When the liver processes the fatty acids in the oil it produces ketones, which can be used as a fuel source and leave you feeling satisfied. This reduces your appetite, which further supports weight loss initiatives.
The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil and lauric acid in particular, also provide significant antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties to protect the body against a variety of pathogenic bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses. Even bacteria resistant to some antibiotics are suppressed by the oil. This therapeutic effect extends to the bloodstream as well, where MCTs improve cholesterol levels and blood flow, which may lower the risk of heart disease.
The ketones created by the liver from MCTs are also shown to reduce the risk of epileptic seizures in children. These ketones in the bloodstream supply energy to the brain and support synaptic activity. Too much glucose destroys brain cells whereas ketones stimulate brain cell health and growth. This has shown to have an immediate effect on patients with mild forms of Alzheimer's disease and is believed to be a key component in supporting brain health and cognitive function.
One of the first ways you can start to use coconut oil, preferably unrefined or virgin oil, is in frying and baking foods that call for oils or butter. The oil has a relatively high smoke point, which makes it a good match for cooking. You can also use a teaspoon of it on baked sweet potatoes and vegetables instead of butter. If you eat steel-cut or rolled oats or a yogurt smoothie for breakfast, add a spoonful into the mix as well. Soups, stews and curries can also be enhanced with a spoonful of this beneficial oil.